Positive Reinforcement
I need to stop thinking of myself in terms like 'Hitchhiker' and 'Drifter', and veering towards pix that show unending paths with nothing on the horizon, however pretty, arty, or picturesque they look. It seems to be a reflection of my state of mind. "Going boldly nowhere". I must have an attainable goal(s), to reach at the end of this seemingly neverending journey I've embarked upon without my knowledge.
Enough drifting and floating. Time to take stock. And act.
I need to rediscover myself. One way to do this is to revisit the things I loved and enjoyed doing. Via Music, Books, Movies. Also find ways to spend more time outdoors. Have turned into a cave person or a mouse burrowing myself into deeper holes within.
More importantly, I need to remind myself to look ahead and forward. Don't need to wrack brains for idols--a teenage crush on a band and a godfather-less superstar are easy to remember and spot and remind.
Enough drifting and floating. Time to take stock. And act.
I need to rediscover myself. One way to do this is to revisit the things I loved and enjoyed doing. Via Music, Books, Movies. Also find ways to spend more time outdoors. Have turned into a cave person or a mouse burrowing myself into deeper holes within.
More importantly, I need to remind myself to look ahead and forward. Don't need to wrack brains for idols--a teenage crush on a band and a godfather-less superstar are easy to remember and spot and remind.
- Take baby steps
- 10 mins a day is all it takes to inculcate a good habit
- 10 mins a day = 10 mins of freedom
- Stop multitasking. Focus on one thing at a time
- Mantras for 2008: I am my own best friend and Let it begin with me.
Stop existing, Start Living!
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